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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kallis

Remi is the Cats Meow

I thought I had seen cute puppies before, until our son Caleb got Remi. A mini-golden doodle that is too cute for words. She's just adorable. I have conversations with her all the time. She's very smart. I even wrote a book about our conversations.

When they say a dog is a man's best friend, they're not kidding. They love you despite all your faults. They look up to you (literally from the ground up) and all they want in return is to be loved back. And best of all, they never talk back to you - at least in words that you can understand. They do bark back and let you know when they are not happen. Like leaving a present for you when they are really disgusted with you.

I don't know about your furry animal, but Remi is impossible to sleep in bed with. She's like a slab of cement when she finds her spot. If anyone is going to move it's going to be you. She's very content when she finds her spot and she intends to stay that way. A portable heater than never needs recharging, she is guaranteed to make you sweat if she plugged into you for too long.

I don't know how Caleb is able to sleep with her. They are draped over each other and they both snore. Loudly. It's white noise for both of them at this point. Almost a competition to see who can sing the loudest. Caleb loves it. I love that Caleb loves it.

Pets are a great companion when you are going through a tough time. They are there for you. Just watching them makes you smile inside and out. What a joy they bring to peoples lives. Just the other day at a family birthday party, Remi and her cousins Ari and Bella were posing for a picture. They were asked to sit, baited by a tasty treat. Ari was next to Remi and several of us told Remi, "Remi sit.". When she didn't, Ari put her paw on Remi's back to tell her to sit. Of course, the gesture so totally self-serving so that Ari could get her treat sooner, but it was so awesome to watch. Ari is a German Shepherd and clearly very smart. She heard her masters telling Remi she needs to sit and Ari told her as well. She was giving Remi a helping paw to tell Remi to have a seat. I'll never forget that one. I wish we could have captured it on video.

Memories. Pets give us so many.

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