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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kallis


Just over a year ago, I had a radical nephrectomy.  This past summer we experienced a drought in Minnesota.  Like many others dealing with kidney cancer, at times we can lack faith in God or a positive outlook for the future.  This writing lifted me up at a low point:

“There was once a small village, which was suffering from a severe drought.  The crops were dying, and the villagers and their animals had very little water to drink.

One day, to try to find a solution to the drought, the village priest called the villagers to gather at the village square to pray together for rain.  He told them to bring along a token of their faith, so the prayer would be done in sincere faith.

And so, the villagers gathered at the square bringing with them tokens of their faith.  Some brought the Holy Bible while others carried small crosses.  They all prayed aloud with great faith and hope.

Sure enough, within a few minutes it began to rain.  The whole crowd was overjoyed and danced happily.  The priest noticed that among the joyous crowd was a nine-year-old boy, clutching an umbrella as a token of faith.  The priest admired this little boy, who had brought an umbrella in total faith that God would surely hear his prayers and send rain.”

By Darla Noble It’s No Problem for God, Daily Bible Inspirations, 2023

That’s faith.  Seeing the world through a child’s eyes.  They hear and see the obvious that adults often take for granted or walk past and don’t even notice. 

Go Forward in Confidence.  Like that kid with the umbrella.

Illustration by TheCognitiveQuest -

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