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  • Writer's pictureJeffrey Kallis

Stolen Valor

Updated: Aug 13

My dad served honorably in the Minnesota National Guard for 6 years from July 1956 to July 1962. He enlisted at the age of 22 and trained at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin.

He didn't inflate his rank after he "retired" from the guard and then repeatedly claim that his rank was higher than it was. He didn't leave the Guard prior to fulfilling the full 6 years he signed up for. He gave his word and kept it. He didn't claim to have carried a gun in a war he was never in the theater for. He didn't falsely claim he served in the Iraq war. He didn't falsely claim he served in Afghanistan.

Turn-tail Timmy knew that his unit was going to be deployed months before they were sent to Iraq. He bolted, lied about the circumstances regarding his entry into public life, and has ridden this wave of stolen valor for years. Walz served his country. He never corrected the record when he could - on multiple occasions that are on videotape and in print.  He lied about the level of rank he achieved - command sergeant major. He never achieved this rank. He was conditionally appointed to this rank with the requirement that he complete the academy to earn the rank. He never took a single course. Yet he has paraded around for years claiming he achieved the rank. He even had the gall to put the symbol of his inflated rank on a coin when he was in Congress.

When Minneapolis was burning in 2020, A-Walz called members of the MN National Guard "19-year-olds who are cooks". Tampon Timmy turned tail and ran rather than go to the battlefield when he learned months in advance that his unit was being deployed to Iraq. So it's no surprise he didn't engage the MN National Guard to protect downtown Minneapolis when thugs were burning it to the ground.

My dad didn't like to cook. But he was a damn good member of the MN National Guard and would have served in war if called to do so. The same can't be said for Tim A-Walz. What a disgrace.

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