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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kallis

Rest in Peace, Brother

Updated: Mar 26

My brother, Kevin, passed away on March 10, 2024. 

I was able to be with him at his bedside when he passed away peacefully.  I will always be grateful for that.

Kevin was one year older than me.  Growing up on the family farm, I have fond memories of Kevin’s love for animals and nice cars.  We always got along well.  After leaving the family farm after graduation, Kevin would find a job he truly loved, building bridges.  He worked for a couple of construction companies and soon was asked to be a foreman on the bridge crew.  The wife of one of his bosses, Jan Shaw, told me that Kevin could build a bridge faster and better than any foreman her husband had ever hired.

Kevin had a memory like a steel trap.  If you ever wanted to know who were related to who, how old they were, who they married, and how many kids they had, you just needed to ask Kevin.

When Kevin went blind on February 22, 2005, I became his power of attorney and managed his finances.  Although I managed his finances, Kevin really managed me.  He kept on top of everything.

If you would, close your eyes for a moment.  Keep them closed.  Now imagine that when you open your eyes you still see darkness.  That was Kevin’s life for 19 years.  Trapped in darkness.  I don’t know how he did it or any person that loses their sight does it.  I don’t think I could handle it as well as Kevin did.  More than anything else, Kevin wanted his sight back.  Now he can see again.

Although Kevin didn’t show it to many people, he had a kind heart.  He always had a soft spot for our son, Caleb.  He would keep up on the sporting events that our sons, Caleb, Chris, and Matt were involved in.  He wanted to be updated on how each of them was doing, and what their team record was.  When I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and I told Kevin about it, his first words were “I’m so sorry, Jeff.  Is there anything I can do.” With all of his health issues, he was concerned about me.  I told Kevin that he needed to share this side of him with everyone.

Kevin had two guardians in his life.  Jerry and Ceil Wright.  Jerry was a cousin to my dad, Rodney, but they were really brothers.  Jerry spent many days and years with Kevin, either in person or on the phone.  Jerry and Ceil were strong advocates and supporters of Kevin for which the family is forever grateful.  Kevin was proud of that connection and had nothing but praise for both of them.

Kevin is in heaven riding his horses, building bridges that were torn down, and having a cigarette.

Cheers to you, my brother.  May you be in eternal rest.

Brothers always.  Jeff.

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